Finch West Light Rail Transit

The Finch West Light Rail Transit (LRT) project brought an additional 11 km and 18 stops of public transit, and renewed aging infrastructure to the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. The Finch West LRT also reduced traffic congestion, greenhouse gasses, and fuel consumption and improved quality of life for commuters by reducing daily travel time. The line features accessible platforms, improved streetscapes, and cycling infrastructure.


Toronto, ON


Electrical Construction

Alltrade provided self-perform electrical and powerline work, major procurement, and design assist project management services on this project. We completed the installation of the OCS system including poles, cantilevers, rigid rail, and overhead catenary conductor for the mainline double track (11 km), and the maintenance and storage facility (6 km). Alltrade also installed all traction power substations and direct current (DC) traction power cable out to the OCS feeder poles.